CLIFFORD J. REEDER 6/26/21 ~ 6/26/17
Cliff Reeder was a good carving friend to many woodcarvers in the Cincinnati, Ohio area being a long-time member of the Cincinnati Carvers Guild. It was at a Cincinnati Carving show in the mid 1980’s that our mutual friendship developed and it is with deep respect and appreciation to remember Cliff who ended his life’s journey on his ninety sixth birthday. In his twilight years, he dedicated his carving activities to carving Eagle Canes for wounded veterans as is beautifully highlighted by clicking on Clifford J. Reeder. (Long Memories, LLC) Read the rest of this entry »

Study each of the photographs displayed in this posting to make the comparison between a natural (monochrome) finish of one colored carving with a multi colored (poly-chrome) painted carving side by side. Read the rest of this entry »

Visit the BEE HIVE to read the entry entitled “THE JOURNEY” which tells of a chance meeting between Keith Morrill (pictured above teaching Larry Piety at the 2007 CCA Seminar in Converse, IN) and Elma Waltner, the author of the pioneering book CARVING ANIMAL CARICATURES. (pictured above.) Read the rest of this entry »

The WOOD BEE CARVER is primarily a knife carver who practices a method for opening up a block of wood using only knives to shape and detail a subject to its completion. The most efficient use of a knife is to do slicing cuts either in the push or pull stroke. A slicing cut is what is used to slice a tomato, loaf of bread and baloney which is the same action for carving wood with a knife. Often the action is a “slice and roll” movement of the cutting edge of the knife through the wood using as much of the blade as possible for most cuts. Sometimes the front end of the blade is used more than the entire length but in all cases the slicing action is preferred for efficiency and clean cuts. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by: woodbeecarver in Knives

HELVIE KNIVES announces the introduction of the BUZZ BEE and BUSY BEE knives into the Signature Series Knives designed by the WOOD BEE CARVER. The prototype design of each knife was extensively put to the test as described in the three-previous posting on this blog ~ “TROLL BROTHERS” ~ “WHITTLE DOODLE – Buzz Bee and Busy Bee Knives” ~ and “BUZZ BEE and BUSY BEE Knives” Read the rest of this entry »

Whittle Folk Monks are three-inch-tall characters that are subjects used for instructional purposes as a beginning carving project that were introduced in 2009 [click on MONKS 1 and MONKS 2 for earlier postings.] The photos above show the front view and the back view of the row of monks in their finished poses of the 2017 versions of Monks. Read the rest of this entry »

VIPER III ~ Wood Bee Carver Signature Series Knife was used to carve these six Whittle Dwarfs while working at the Primary Election poll in between voters casting there ballots [which means it was a slow turn out of voters.] Whittle Dwarfs are an inch and half tall by inch square block of basswood and are basically all head with feet protruding under the jaw line. Howard Feed-N-Wax was used as the finish. VIPER III is made by HELVIE KNIVES and may be ordered by calling 765-675-8811

Nine carving students survived a three-day class on the “A – B – C’s of Face Carving” in the wood shop of Ken Taylor in Paris, KY., on April 26, 27 and 28. Pictured in the photo above are (left to right on first row) Don Powell, Joan Whitman, Randy Whisman and Jim Bounds; (second row) Harold Polus, Kenneth Taylor, Ray Copenhaver, Dick Mathy and Bryan Taylor. Read the rest of this entry »