The WOODBEECARVER blog has been under construction for a few days and it is now all fixed up with the generous help of my webmaster friend ED BLACK. Ed encouraged me to launch this blog in 2008 and ever since has been the guiding force to keep it running with his technical genius and moving it to its next stage of existence. The Half Pint Hobo carving in the photo is a most recent carving making this public debut announcement that this blog is up and running again with a shout saying, “I’M BACK.”

A PHOTO MEMORY ~ Photographs capture a memory being made to become a memory remembered. A photo taken by Rick Bissonnette at the Miami Valley Woodcarving Show in 2019 is such a memory. At the end of 2019 I retired from teaching woodcarving and participating in woodcarving shows. The photo shows my wife Frances and me standing behind our display table with many of Wood Bee Carver style of carvings on display. I still carve for personal pleasure along with commissioned carvings as well as publishing in my carving journal blog www.woodbeecarver.com ~ Thanks to Rick for giving me this photo to be a benchmark memory representative of my woodcarving journey.
The Madonna and Child JOY carving is one face of a four sided ornament Whittle-Carved in the four inch by two inch by three inch Butternut block of wood.
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The Red Beard Pirate has been an often repeated carving subject and on this version this pirate will be the subject of a tutorial on the SLOW and EASY method of carving. The first photo gallery will be of the finished and painted rendition of the Red Beard Pirate. Which will be followed by a verbal descriptive tutorial with additional photos of the Slow and Easy carving process.
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The photo above is of sculpture created by Salvatore Virdis whose work can be viewed on Facebook by searching “Salvatore Virdis-Scultore in legno” in the search box on Facebook, The Wood Bee Carver uses this photo as inspiration for the study of carving faces in the folder entitled “Saving Face.”
A Chip Carving friend, Marshall Stearns coined the phrase, “Carving is like taking a bath ~ You do it everyday or you stink.” There is great value in carving every day, if nothing more than guiding the carving tool through the wood making a variety of experimental cuts. A long time the Wood Bee Carver has said, “Woodcarving is more the journey rather than the destination,” which means the shear enjoyment that comes to the carver in the process of carving. The destination would be the completion of a carving project, but once finished the carver longs to get back to the process and activity of carving.
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Ornaments carved at Christmas time are to bring Love, Joy, Peace, Hope with the celebration of Noel and of course Santa. The ornament gallery that follows are those carved for 2019.
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