Archive for the ‘Carving Projects’ Category
The first Dream Fish was carved in 2011 as gift presentation to a fisherman friend. At the time it was challenging carving project in which it was learned that “Challenge is a teacher of unlearned lessons.” Anytime a carver begins a new carving project it becomes a “learning exercise” of transposing an imagined subject into a tangible carving. Another lesson learned along the carving journey is what is learned in carving the subject for the first time will guide carving it the second time to expand the learning potential. So, it was when a commission came to carve the Dream Fish another time a renewed challenge of relearning while carving from a distant memory that new lessons opened during the carving process. Such a positive experience led to carving another Dream Fish to expand the “challenge learning lessons.” These two Dream Fish carvings will lend themselves to offering brief informative observations by way of photos of the carving process along with brief descriptions of explanation.
A Half Pint is a three inch tall figure carved to the scale of a half inch equals a foot. It begins with a three inch by an inch square basswood block. Study the photographic chart below to follow the progressive steps to get an overall mental view.
The Cowpoke is a six inch tall figure carved to the scale of one inch equals a foot. A Half Pint is a three inch tall figure carved to the scale of a half inch equals a foot. In the introductory photo the Cowpoke and Half Pint are standing together for a comparable view.
A new carving project is always a challenge (challenge is a teacher of unknown lessons) that opens the door of learning new lessons in the carving process.
There is an old story that says, “The TOOTH BRUSH was invented by a Red Neck ‘cause if it was invented by anyone else it would have been called TEETH BRUSH.” Humor like this is an invitation for carving a caricature which the Wood Bee Carver did twenty years ago. Now the same theme is used to do two interpretations of the “Inventor of the Tooth Brush.” One is wearing a mustard colored shirt and is bare footed and the other is wearing shoes and a bow tie but they both have the “one tooth” and a “Tooth Brush.” Read the rest of this entry »
The center focus of the Railroader with Lantern is the lantern. Of course, our eyes see the railroader’s face, his cap, his bandana hanging out a back pocket, but it is the light of the lantern that is held high to capture center stage.