The carving pictured to the left came up missing at a recent woodcarving show by a “sleight of hand” purchase of a “display only” carving. After having posted its being missing on this blog (now deleted) and on Woodcarving Illustrated Forum and Facebook, the person in possession of the carving telephoned and then returned the carving by mail. Without going into a lot of detail, suffice it to say that the carving is safely home.
Whittle Doodles carved by the WOOD BEE CARVER as examples of what can be carved using only a knife carving free hand designs. Whittle Doodles are never for sale other that being donated for woodcarving shows and club’s silent auctions, raffles and fund raising activities. The one in the photos received a blue ribbon at the 2009 CCA Competition and is a less than two inch square block. It is “priceless” to the artist who is happy to have it back home. Read the rest of this entry »

The mention of the name of John Burke brings up untold memories in the heart and minds of carvers who have been inspired and influenced by one of the best. At the 2011 Belleville, IL carving show a memorial display of some of John’s art was presented to honor his memory. Photographs of that display are shared with this blog by long time carving friend Bob Jager. So as these photographs are viewed may we all learn again from the creativity of John Burke. Read the rest of this entry »

A carving friend to the entire woodcarving community is “Ol’ Don” Burgdorf who has been a friend as guest of any carver’s inspiration through his “Doodles ‘n Notes for Carvin’ Folks” and his instructional web site http://artofdon.com . He has granted permission for some of his intellectual property to be resourced on this blog for instructional purposes. Under the box on the right column of this blog entitled “BEE HIVE” and under the title “Ol’ Don Burgdorf Face Study” are four must read and study tutorials that will benefit anyone who carves faces. “Ol’ Don” has a very unique way of coming right to the point through his art work and verbal descriptions of teaching lasting lessons. Study and put into practice what he teaches and carved faces will come alive. Thank you, “Ol’ Don.”

“Clothes make the man,” is a saying that is helpful for carving caricatures. Every caricature has a face and that face could fit on many different characters depending upon the clothes and accessories that are carved into the subject. In the case of these two “Tennis Bums” it is the tennis racket and tennis ball that gives it away that these caricatures are “Tennis Bums.”
Each was carved out of a six inch tall by two inch square block of basswood using only a knife in the Whittle-Carving style of the Wood Bee Carver. One photo shows one tennis bum carved standing beside a block of basswood into which the second tennis bum will be carved. Read the rest of this entry »