Archive for March, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Knives

Rich and Holli Smithson, owners and manufacturers of  HELVIE KNIVES  are known primarily for their quality carving knives and their unique basswood handled knives that can be used to carve one’s own design into the handle.  What is not well known is that Rich is also an artist at heart who sometimes creates beautiful wood burned and painted designs and scenes on handles of  HELVIE KNIVES.  Rich and Holli have graciously given me permission to post some of his artist creations so that others can appreciate another art form.  The gallery of knives that follow can be seen in a larger format by clicking on each photograph. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Hobos

Hobos have a nostalgic appeal of an earlier time when itinerant labors traveled the country looking for work.  Their clothes were torn, tattered and well worn while their faces were road mapped with heavy road weary lines of a hard way of life. The Four Hobos in the picture on the left are carved caricatures whose names are left to right: Suds Larry, Soup Bone, Gunny Sack and Sulky Sal.

In spite of it all there was something romantic about  these knights of the road that gave a wanderlust appearance of an easy go lucky  way of life while there was none in reality.

A Hobo would travel looking for work while a Tramp simply traveled not looking for work and a Bum would neither travel nor look for work possessing only a hard luck story to con easy money.  The Hobo was the “common stiff” who was somebody’s friend, acquaintance or relative who showed up from time to time of itinerant travels following news of the next job. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Noggins



BITS AND PIECES  are carvings that are done to replenish the supply of novelty carvings for display at woodcarving shows and the occasional spur-of-the-moment carving  just for the fun of it.  The first three photographs are of  Tree Noggins carved out of basswood tree  limbs using only a knife.  The carved faces are finished with a coat of Howard Wax-N-Feed.  The fourth photograph above is of Pin Heads carved out of Doll Pins purchased at Hobby Lobby to resemble the old wooden clothes pin.  Pin Heads are carved with only a knife and finished with Howard Wax-N-Feed. 

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   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Friends, Knives

Rich and Holli Smithson, owners and manufacturers of  HELVIE KNIVES of Tipton, Indiana have  a growing collection of carved basswood handled Helvie Knives.  Basswood handles on Helvie Knives suitable for carving have been a staple among the many popular knives offered in their inventory.  Carvers from around the country have submitted their creations to add to this collection and Rich and Holli have granted me permission to post photographs of their collection.  This is in addition to the Caricature Carvers of America collection of carved handles as depicted in a previous posting.   Take a photographic journey to see this marvelous collection of creative and unique carved knife handles.


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DON WORLEY – No See-Ums 3

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Friends

Bonnie and Don Worley are pictured at their carving display table at the recent Middletown, Ohio,  Miami Valley Woodcarving Show, March 5 and 6, 2011.  Don is the creator and instructor of the ever popular No See-Ums  which are seen displayed on the left    corner of the table in the photograph.  Additional photographs below show close ups of the No See-Ums  (some with eyes) and by clicking on each photo they can be  enlarged slightly for a closer look.  Clicking on Don’s name above will bring up a previous posting of No See-ums  which are fun to carve and once begun become very addictive to carve a few more.  Don is also chairman of the world renowned  Artistry in Wood Show  in Dayton which will celebrate its 30th year this November 12 and 13.  Thank you Don for your many gifts to the woodcarving family and especially for creating No See-Ums. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

Hobbit  characters have been popular ever since they first appeared in the writing of  Tolkien  and subsequent movies.  A friend commissioned a carving of a Hobbit which was a new subject for this carver.  So the research process that follows the initial idea for a carver began by first going to the Internet research box like Google, Yahoo and Bing.  When doing such research always add the word “images” following the subject being researched in order to go to a site dedicated to innumerable images.  Next step was to contact my IDEA MONSTER, Don Stephenson  who knows about a lot of subjects that he can draw on a sketch pad.  He drew up several examples of Hobbits on paper, then drew a Hobbit on the note he included with the drawings, then drew a Hobbit on the cardboard insert for support in the envelope and finally drew a Hobbit on the shipping envelope.  Photographs of his drawings are displayed below. Read the rest of this entry »


Don Stephenson – Carving Friend

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Friends



Don Stephenson  is a carving friend who has a great art for drawing as well as carving.  Often whenever I need a drawing of an idea, Don is eager to draw but not just one but several carving ideas.  In fact he comes up with so many ideas drawn that I have nicknamed him the IDEA MONSTER.   Recently he surprised me with a gift of a caricature likeness of the WOOD BEE CARVER  dressed as I appear at woodcarving shows with a black derby hat, a Col. Sanders’ bow tie and bib overalls.  The drawing included a carving of a troll that he had drawn for me some time back.  It was not enough for him to give me a drawing on paper he also gave me a canvas tool tote bag with a painted version of the original drawing.  Thanks Don for your gift of friendship, your drawings and especially for being the  IDEA MONSTER.










Don also drew this logo  icon that was also included on the canvas tool tote bag along with the WOOD BEE CARVERS motto: “Would be carvers would be carvers it they would carve wood,” and another saying: “I can if I try for I am to be all I can be.”



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in CCA Related, Knives

HELVIE KNIVES of Tipton, Indiana has invited members of the Caricature Carvers of America to carve a caricature into a specially designed basswood handle of a Helvie Knife as a display collection.  Several CCA members have already carved a handle to highlight the great variety of caricature theme  that can be carved.  The photograph at the left shows a few of them together  while additional photographs that follow will show two views of each individual knife already in the Helvie Knives display collection.

Helvie Knives have become very popular with many carvers with multicolored handles as well a cherry handles with a variety of handle shapes from which to choose.  Some of the CCA members also have autographed their signature collection of knives.  Read the rest of this entry »