

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects

The CLOWN tells the story without words using posture, facial expression, costume, props and elaborate gestures to tell the story in pantomime. One of the goals of wood carving is to create a visual pantomime carved in wood in which the carving tells a story without words. This carving of a clown holding a balloon and a feather is telling a story of a duel between the balloon and feather as to which one is the lightest.  It is a silly story leaving the clown having a puzzled look on his face for not being able to figure out which one is lighter than the other.

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FIREHOUSE 3 ~ Second Time Around

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects


This fireman is a “second time around” of carving a second fireman of similar design to the first Firehouse 3 Fireman.

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   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects

“Firehouse 3” is a first attempt at carving a fireman figure.  The beginning process is to imagine what a fireman looks like along with studying various images of carved firemen to come up with a preliminary design for a carving. The imaginary image includes the fireman’s helmet, bulky and heavy water-resistant coat and trousers along with heavy boots. Next would come equipment such as an axe, fire hose, megaphone, fire hydrant and ladder.  Next comes the refining of all these elements into the simplest depiction that would say “this is a fireman.” The fireman’s helmet crowns the carved figure with the undeniable statement of identity while adding the fire axe and the heavy boots will add just enough to the overall outfit to distinguish the fireman effect.  The red suspenders attached to the bulky trousers add to the effect of making the figure more interesting as it stands in a relaxed pose of either before and after suiting up for the fire run.

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CARVING HOBOS ~ Goose and Moose

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Hobos

The Wood Bee Carver is primarily a “knife carver” who carves from a “Block” with corners and chooses to shape the wood with a “Slice into position and Design by carving.” Process.

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HOBOS ~ Goose and Moose

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Hobos

Introducing Goose who is the older and more mature Hobo when compared with his partner of the road Moose.

Moose and Goose represents the long and storied history of  the travelers in the nostalgic memory of the time long gone by never forgotten.

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PIRATE First Mate

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Tutorials


The Pirate First Mate is carved in the Half Pint size of three inches tall with a one inch square base. The First Mate is wearing a bandana head wrap rather than the officer’s hat even though he is wearing an officer’s coat captured as a spoil of a sea battle.

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   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects

HALF PINT carving figures refers to the use of a half inch equals a foot scale to keep a carving in perspective with the average heights of a male figure as being six feet.

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   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Tutorials

Red Beard Pirate is the latest version of a carving project that I have carved several times. A pirate is a carver’s dream of a carving project because of the variety of anomalies of design compared with a regular figure.

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