

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Hobos


Hobos are colorful characters who lend themselves to caricature carving by exaggerating the realistic image of a hobo into an artist interpretation.  A picture is worth a thousand words making this Hobo Study through photographs to speak for themselves. (click on photos to enlarge) Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Tutorials

indian pin head                indian pin head                indian pin head 004

Carving heads into wooden clothes pins is a novel way to practice carving heads and faces since every face carved in never a lost effort because there is always something new to learn.  This brief visual tutorial about carving on a clothes pin is another way to reinforce the process of face carving. (click on photos to enlarge) Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Tutorials, Whittle Doodles

Whittle Doodle Doods  are the result of doodling with a knife. The fifty Doodle Doods pictured in this album are the end result of learning demonstrations for carving a Plane Face to learn the A, B, C’s of Face Carving.  They are assembled with five faces attached together in a handy study grouping with eight photographs for each grouping.

Doodle Doods 001Doodle Doods 002Doodle Doods 003Doodle Doods 004Doodle Doods 005Doodle Doods 006Doodle Doods 007Doodle Doods 008 Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Tutorials

Red BeardRed BeardRed BeardRed BeardRed BeardRed BeardRed BeardRed Beard

Red Beard the Pirate is a carving project that serves as a model for another instructional journey in carving a six inch tall figure out of an inch and half square block of wood. A pirate subject provides several carving adventures in carving the various individual parts of the overall design.  The finished carving of Red Beard in the opening photographs above serve as a visual tutorial of the various design features that are part of the overall plan while carving the individual parts.  (click on photos to enlarge) Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Tutorials

GandalfGandalfGandalfGandalfGandalf             Gandalf             Gandalf

Carving another Gandalf wizard is an exercise of caving a previous project attempting to apply subtle innovations into a new version. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Tutorials


Old Salt is a caricature study of the old man of the sea.  Three figures are used as a study in carving three different poses of a similar figure with slight variations.  One Old Salt has his hands behind him while the two others have a thumb on one hand in the waist band of trousers using different hands.  One is smoking a pipe. (click on photo to enlarge.) Read the rest of this entry »


STEVE PRESCOTT ~ “I Know That Hat”

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Friends


Literary works of art have long been illustrated by two dimensional art through drawings, paintings and photography.  Often classical sculpture has illustrated a larger story through its visual effect that upon seeing the sculpture the story is remembered.  Caricature carver Steve Prescott has introduced a unique way of using caricature carving of inanimate objects to illustrate cowboy poetry.  Steve has collected hats, primarily western hats for a long time and when he read a poem entitled “I Know That Hat” his creative genius came to life to create a caricature illustration for the literary art of cowboy poetry.  In his own words and through photographs Steve illustrates a cowboy poetry poem with his caricature art through HATS. (click on photos to enlarge)

Caricature of Inanimate Objects

 Way back in Mrs. Myers 11th grade literature class I hated studying poetry considering it too mushy and flowery.  Since then, I have discovered cowboy poetry and I have it.  It’s down to earth, humorous and deals with real life situations.  My favorite cowboy poet is Baxter Black.  His poem, “I Know that Hat,” struck a note with me as a hat lover, as well.  I decided to try a caricature woodcarving that would go with the poem. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in BEE Buzz

wood bee carver

BUZZ: Check out two new additions to the BEE HIVE box in the right column.  Two articles reprinted by permission by CHIP CHATS written by the Wood Bee Carver many years ago that still have relevant instructional information: WHITTLE FOLKS from the Nov-Dec 1992 issue and WHITTLE FOLK ‘POKES from May-Jun 1998 issue of Chip Chats. All items in BEE HIVE are visible and printable documents for instructional purposes.


wood bee carver

BUZZ: Under the MAIN MENU check out “Blog Index Map” as an easy way to find postings by Category and Title.  Another way to find postings is to check out CATEGORIES and then scroll down through each Category beginning with the latest posting down to earlier postings in order to Brose what each posting looks like. For example under CATEGORIES a new listing has been added entitled “Tu Tor Plus” which are Tutorials for frequent reference.


wood bee carver

BUZZ: The Comments function on the blog is “blocked” to eliminate the malicious use of spam and junk scams from using that function.  Personal comments can be made by going to “About the Carver” under Main Menu for postal mail address or phone number.  No email address is posted in order to eliminate spam and junk emails from affecting the carver’s email service.