Imagine if you will that one day Santa is going to retire. In that imagination what will he look like and where will he make his retirement home? No one really knows but it is imagined that he would retire in warmer climate and because he is such a toy person he would be doing fun playful things in his retirement.
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Art in its various expressions including wood sculpture always uses imaginative interpretation to present the subject of interest. This carving of Conan is such an interpretation girded with written descriptions and artistic pictures to aid the imagination of the carver to create. This is the story of the carving of this interpretation of Conan the Barbarian.
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Slow and Easy Does It is the conscious way this old carver approaches the carving process. Carving this Magi was an opportunity to listen to this Wise Man as he was being carved as he reminded me to take it “slow” and “easy” in order to enjoy the journey. The photo journey of the completed Magi invites a slow and easy visual journey to study the overall views from all angles and to listen to what the Wise Man might say to us.
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Carving a new subject is always a challenge that leads down the learning path that makes the challenge a worthwhile endeavor. The fact of the matter is that every carving project whether a familiar subject or a new subject is always a learning experience both of the subject and of the actual process of the carving technique. A recent commission carving of the subject of a Samurai Shogun Warrior offered the opportunity to learn from the challenge of a new subject.
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Block Heads are carved inside a Friendship Cane segment measuring two inches square by three inches tall with a five eighth inch hole drilled down the center of the length of block. Carving is done with knives with curved cutting edges to facilitate the necessary slicing cuts in tight areas.
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A fun carving project is to carve a basswood handle of a knife that is the brainchild of Helvie Knives who makes a knife with a blank basswood handle. The question for the carver becomes “what to carve in the handle?” One consideration is to carve a handle that would be comfortable to hold in the carving hand while using the knife for carving as well as the subject matter to choose. Like most carving projects it is best not to rush before having a clear idea as to what to carve. This is to trust the creative process to make the suggestion into the carver’s imagination. During the mental incubation process an idea began to take shape to carve a “Back to Back” interpretation of Santa in two forms. The red suited Santa often called the Coca Cola Santa would be carved on one side and an Old-World Santa on the other side as “Back to Back Santa.” The design would need to be simple so that no appendages would protrude.
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A carving of Gandalf has been carved several times, sometimes with a lantern in his hand, sometimes with a crystal ball in his hand an always with his iconic staff of a crooked and twisted shape. This interpretation of Gandalf the Wizard has him holding the lantern as a symbol of bringing the light of wonder. He is wearing a dunce hat with a floppy brim and the tradition long robe. Such a simple attire allows the emphasis to be upon his face, his staff and the lantern to spark the imagination to conjure wizardly feats of wonder.
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The Hoosier Hobo was Whittle-Carved using only knives to shape a six-inch-tall by inch and half square block of basswood. A series of photos will show the progressive steps supplemented with verbal descriptions of these progressive steps. Keep in mind that between initial opening cuts with a slicing knife there are more cuts to follow to refine the carved surface into it finished state. As if often said, “One cut is not a cut to end all cuts being rather the beginning cut with more cuts to follow,” so the reader of this blog posting will need to use imagination to read between the lines, fill in the gaps and mentally carve what in-between the stages.
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