Archive for the ‘Knives’ Category



   Posted by: woodbeecarver

The WOOD BEE CARVER is primarily a knife carver who began as a youth using a pocket knife to whittle toys and other play things.  When carving grew into a serious activity it was still the pocket knife that remained the primary carving tool.  Old pocket knives rescued from flea markets were reshaped and sharpened into carving knives.

Following years of trial and error experimenting with various blade shapes one basic shape became the most versatile for practicing the slicing cut.  Thus was born the “Universal Whittle-Carving Knife,”  whose basic design has the back edge of the blade sloping down with a twelve degree angle to meet the cutting edge that gently curves up to meet the back edge at its tip. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver

Rich Smithson of  Helvie Knives  announces that he is making Collector’s Edition Knives  bearing his own wood burned artwork on the handle of all the caricature images of the Signature Series of knives. The photographs above show both sides and top and bottom of the six inch long cherry handle trimmed with pakkawood. Those who participate in the Signature Series are Tom Brown, Gerald Sears, Bruce Henn, Chris Hammack, Mark Akers, Randy True, Floyd Rhadigan and Don Mertz.

These special Collector’s Edition Knives  will sell for $100 each and take up to four weeks to be shipped after order is placed due to the hand burned art work done one at a time.  Knife blade shapes will include Standard Helvie Long, Roughout, Detail or Universal Scimitar (as in photo above).  Inquiries and orders may be placed with Rich or wife Holli at Helvie Knives. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver

A Spud character is normally a short and squatty fellow who chomps down on a stub of a cigar while having a “don’t mess with me,” look on his face.  Spud Billy is a variation of the original Spuds in that he is twice as tall and not quite as squatty.  His attitude is the same as there is no “messing around” with Spud Billy. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver





The Helvie Hobo was carved for Rich and Holli Smithson who are owners and manufacturers of Helvie Knives.  They are producing a “Signature Knife” of my design of blade and handle shape.  The hobo was carved exclusively with the “Signature Knife” in the photo.  Their  daughter Skylar likes to be included in collecting wood carvings.  Skylar is all smiles with the snowwoman gift by the WOOD BEE CARVER and the Santa by Will Hayden. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver

Rich and Holli Smithson, owners and manufacturers of  HELVIE KNIVES  are known primarily for their quality carving knives and their unique basswood handled knives that can be used to carve one’s own design into the handle.  What is not well known is that Rich is also an artist at heart who sometimes creates beautiful wood burned and painted designs and scenes on handles of  HELVIE KNIVES.  Rich and Holli have graciously given me permission to post some of his artist creations so that others can appreciate another art form.  The gallery of knives that follow can be seen in a larger format by clicking on each photograph. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver

Rich and Holli Smithson, owners and manufacturers of  HELVIE KNIVES of Tipton, Indiana have  a growing collection of carved basswood handled Helvie Knives.  Basswood handles on Helvie Knives suitable for carving have been a staple among the many popular knives offered in their inventory.  Carvers from around the country have submitted their creations to add to this collection and Rich and Holli have granted me permission to post photographs of their collection.  This is in addition to the Caricature Carvers of America collection of carved handles as depicted in a previous posting.   Take a photographic journey to see this marvelous collection of creative and unique carved knife handles.


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   Posted by: woodbeecarver

HELVIE KNIVES of Tipton, Indiana has invited members of the Caricature Carvers of America to carve a caricature into a specially designed basswood handle of a Helvie Knife as a display collection.  Several CCA members have already carved a handle to highlight the great variety of caricature theme  that can be carved.  The photograph at the left shows a few of them together  while additional photographs that follow will show two views of each individual knife already in the Helvie Knives display collection.

Helvie Knives have become very popular with many carvers with multicolored handles as well a cherry handles with a variety of handle shapes from which to choose.  Some of the CCA members also have autographed their signature collection of knives.  Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver

KNIVES-KNIVES-KNIVESThe WOOD BEE CARVER is primarily a knife carver with the photograph at the left representative of the various knives used in Whittle-Carving.  On the right are two pocket knives representative of the very first and most often used knives for carving.  The two knives on the left are small handled pocket knives that have been “tinkered” with larger wooden handles.  The knives in the center represent custom made knives that are also used in the carving process.  The top and the fourth down are Ralph E. Long knives.  The second knife was made by good friend Larry Piety.  The third knife down is an old Herb Dunkle knife and the bottom knife was made by Dave Lyons.  Even though each of these knives are adequate for carving, yet making one’s own knife is a fun project. Read the rest of this entry »