The BLUES BROTHERS are the latest edition of the WOOD BEE CARVER Signature Series knives made by HELVIE KNIVES. In the two photos above, the top knife in each photo were the first to be designed and developed. The BUZZ BEE in the left photo and the BUSY BEE is in the right photo. Previous postings describing these two knives can be reviewed by clicking on BUZZ 1 and BUZZ 2 and BUZZ 3. Read the rest of this entry »
Rich Smithson of HELVIE KNIVES created the wood burned art work on a commemorative HELVIE knife that shows off his dual artistic talents of wood burned art and knife craftsmanship. The knife along with the base carved by the WOOD BEE CARVER will be raffled during the Saturday night banquet at the Artistry in Wood Show, October 14. Read the rest of this entry »
Pictured above are twenty-one Whittle Dwarfs as part of this Photographic Display of some of the carvings that will be at the WOOD BEE CARVER’s display table at the ARTISTRY IN WOOD Show ~ October 14 and 15, 2017 at the Roberts Centre, Wilmington, OH (Exit 50 on Interstate 71 and Route 68). Read the rest of this entry »
Don Worley, the creator of No-See-Ums has created another fun and addictive carving project called “Biker Dudes.” Read the rest of this entry »
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This is a multiple view of the Whittle Doodle Ornament by Don Mertz which will be among those ornaments listed for sale on eBay under “CCA Christmas Ornaments” beginning the week of October 2, 2017.
Wood that has character are those serendipity discoveries that appear when cutting into a block of wood. These character blemishes occur as the result of a tree healing itself when is limb is cut or broken off during the growth of the tree. It could be a knot, ingrown bark, fungus or natural occurring dark streaks. Such blemishes may imply inferior wood that has little use and is often discarded in the trash barrel or burned. But then, when you have a carver who follows the Old Carver’s Law: “Leave no wood un-carved,” such character wood becomes a source for a unique carving with its own character.