My wife, Frances, commissioned Rich Smithson of HELVIE KNIVES to create the wood burned art depicting the logo and names of WOOD BEE CARVER Signature Knives made by Rich, Holli and Skylar Smithson who are owners and manufacturers of HELVIE KNIVES. Thanks for a cherished gift.

HELVIE KNIVES introduces two more in the Signature Series Knives. The DRONE BEE ~ # 11 has the traditional straight cutting edge blade. The CUCKOO BEE ~ # 12 has a variation of the WOOD BEE CARVER designed blade with a curved cutting edge with an extended tang. Both knife blades are made from specialty steel that has its own unique “feel of cut”. Read the rest of this entry »

Carving on the Edge is to imply that the cutting edge of the carving knife blade is what separates the wood fibers while removing a chip. The cutting edge, when magnified will reveal minute cutting teeth much like a hand saw. It is these cutting teeth that create the cutting action when the knife is used in a slicing action. The slicing cut is to follow the path of the cutting edge through the wood so that as many of the cutting teeth are utilized. In conjunction with the cutting edge teeth, the bevel on the side of the blade be it skinny or fat, provides the angle at which the cutting edge enters the wood. So it is both the slicing action and the angle of the cutting edge that work together to create a clean cut. Read the rest of this entry »

HELVIE KNIVES proudly presents…...The 2nd Annual Basswood Knife Carving Competition! There will be 3 classes to choose from:
- Beginners Class for carvers that have been carving for one year or less.
- Intermediate Class for carvers that have been carving for one to three years.
- Open Class for anyone regardless of experience or number of years carving. Read the rest of this entry »

HELVIE KNIVES announces the addition of a handle choice in the WOOD BEE CARVER Signature Series for the Detail Bladed Knife # 3, # 3-1 and # 3-2. One choice is the Original Handle and the second choice is the SWEET BEE Handle of the Second Generation knife series. The photographs indicate the two handle designs along with a telephone number to Helvie Knives for ordering purposes. Read the rest of this entry »