The Helvie Hobo was carved for Rich and Holli Smithson who are owners and manufacturers of Helvie Knives. They are producing a “Signature Knife” of my design of blade and handle shape. The hobo was carved exclusively with the “Signature Knife” in the photo. Their daughter Skylar likes to be included in collecting wood carvings. Skylar is all smiles with the snowwoman gift by the WOOD BEE CARVER and the Santa by Will Hayden. Read the rest of this entry »
Gunny Sack Glenn is another example of a Hobo caricature carving that has all the characteristics of a hobo with well worn, torn and patched clothing that is mis-matched and toes coming out of a shoe.
The first series of photographs show two hobos carved to the basic form along with the finished hobo. The purpose of such a photographic study is to carve with imagination in the viewer’s mind that which is between the form and the completed carving.
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Hobos have a nostalgic appeal of an earlier time when itinerant labors traveled the country looking for work. Their clothes were torn, tattered and well worn while their faces were road mapped with heavy road weary lines of a hard way of life. The Four Hobos in the picture on the left are carved caricatures whose names are left to right: Suds Larry, Soup Bone, Gunny Sack and Sulky Sal.
In spite of it all there was something romantic about these knights of the road that gave a wanderlust appearance of an easy go lucky way of life while there was none in reality.
A Hobo would travel looking for work while a Tramp simply traveled not looking for work and a Bum would neither travel nor look for work possessing only a hard luck story to con easy money. The Hobo was the “common stiff” who was somebody’s friend, acquaintance or relative who showed up from time to time of itinerant travels following news of the next job. Read the rest of this entry »

The Classic Hobo is classic by his appearance of well worn face, tattered clothing and the far off and wondering look in his eye. Read the rest of this entry »
In the two previous posts Rube and Cedrick were introduced. They stand five inches tall and are now joined by Half Pint who stands two inches including the base he is standing on. Half Pint is the same design and pose of Rube and Cedrick and the RULE OF THREE was used on Half Pint to maintain body and facial proportions.
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