The term “BEE CARVEFUL” was coined by Michael Keller years ago. Michael and the Wood Bee Carver became friends via the internet through an article he wrote in a trade newspaper in his home state of Washington. On his blog and web site he coined the word “carveful” and developed it into a humorous and yet serious definition as he has written:
Carveful/Carvefully Defined. As found in the Keller Carving Dictionary – First Edition
Carveful adj 1. Full of or expressing deep positive feeling about carving (profoundly emotional in a positive way); 2. Feeling, causing, or indicating joy through carving; 3. Being in good spirits while carving; 4. Cautious in the application of carving; 5. Thorough and painstaking in the execution of carving; . – Carvefully adj. – Carvefulness n.
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“The hardest part of any project is getting started,” is one of the Wood Bee Carver’s Rules used in his wood carving classes that originated in 1996 as part of a certificate presented to every class participant in subsequent carving classes until retirement from teaching at the end of 2019. Besides being a souvenir for each student, it served as an introductory educational tool at the beginning of the class to review the philosophy of the Wood Bee Carver. The full statement is: The hardest part of any project is getting started, but once begun the creative juices flow,” which is discovered over and over again.
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“A one tracked mind,” implies that a person is overly committed to only one main pursuit that consumes one’s energy, thinking and motivation. Life on the “one track” can be very exhausting, time consuming and misses smelling the roses along the way. The wisdom in the old saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” is comparable to having a “one track mind.” Having a well-rounded approach with varied experiences can open up the door to a creative personality of becoming the best we can be. The creative power of a hobby like wood carving can widen the horizon of beauty in one’s life and purpose.
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Study each of the photographs displayed in this posting to make the comparison between a natural (monochrome) finish of one colored carving with a multi colored (poly-chrome) painted carving side by side. Read the rest of this entry »

Visit the BEE HIVE to read the entry entitled “THE JOURNEY” which tells of a chance meeting between Keith Morrill (pictured above teaching Larry Piety at the 2007 CCA Seminar in Converse, IN) and Elma Waltner, the author of the pioneering book CARVING ANIMAL CARICATURES. (pictured above.) Read the rest of this entry »

CHRISTMAS IS MEMORIES ~ Memories Remembered ~ Memories Being Made ~ Make Some Memories This Christmas.

Remember the old childhood puzzle with random dots jumbled on the page with a number adjacent to each dot? The puzzle was to draw a line from the dot beginning with number 1 to connect with the dot with a number 2 and then number 3, number 4 and so forth until all the dots were connected to reveal a hidden picture. Read the rest of this entry »