Three more Egg Noggins carved out of basswood hen eggs are examples of face carving. These are another example of Whittle-Carving using only a knife to carve facial features. Each is finished with a monochrome coloring of Raw Sienna artist oil paint and Boiled Linseed Oil mixed together. A monochrome finish amplifies the carving texture making the texture the color.
The four views of each noggin will be followed by close up views a points of interest in each noggins. To see previous postings on Egg Noggins go to “Blog Index Map” under Main Menu – scroll down to “Carving Projects” to find postings with “Egg Noggins” in title. Read the rest of this entry »

Carved knife blade covers offer a fun and functional carving project. Here are two more blade covers carved out of butternut wood and finished with Howard Feed N Wax. Photographs of three views of each blade cover follow. Read the rest of this entry »

The faces carved into this two by two inch square block of basswood three inches tall is to be a part of a friendship cane. Each face was carved using a Murray 529 Knife pictured in the photograph. The Whittle-Carving style of the WOOD BEE CARVER demonstrates what can be done using only a knife. The monochrome finish is a mixture of Raw Sienna artist oil paint mixed with Boiled Linseed Oil followed by an application of the brushing lacquer Deft. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by: woodbeecarver in General

Will Hayden was elected into the Caricature Carvers of America in 1996 and has been an Emeritus Member since 2002. Even though he has been in failing health with great difficulty in breathing, yet he is still able to do some carving in his very unique style. In 2011 he carved several of his caricature men and pictured here are a few of his most recent carvings along with a family gathering at Christmas 2011. The tallest figure is five inches and the shorter ones are four inches tall.
Study each photograph in the galley below to capture Will’s style of caricature carving that has been his signature throughout his long carving journey. (clip on each photo to enlarge) Thank you Will for your generosity of spirit given to the carving community both in your carving, cartoons and teaching throughout your career. Read the rest of this entry »