Archive for August 3rd, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in General

The first annual Buckeye Woodcarving Round Up is now history.  July 27-30, 2011 were the dates of four days of woodcarving classes held at the Poor Farmer’s  RV Camp near Fletcher, Ohio.  Over 100 registered carvers circulated among a dozen classes and purchased supplies from three vendors.  The random photographs that follow taken by photographer Don Stephenson show scenes from some of the class sessions in the main assembly hall.  Lunch and evening meals were available followed by mini classes for three evenings.  Students came from Canada, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Pennsylvania. The cost was a twenty dollar registration fee and an amount for the carving project as students could chose which class or classes to attend each day.  All seemed to agree that this was a fun event and look forward to next year’s Round Up – – July 25-28, 2012.


SEAN REYNOLDS – Carving Friend

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Friends

Sean Reynolds is a very enthusiastic budding carver who is so eager to learn and is growing in his carving experience.  So much so that he experienced a tendonitis in his wrist that side lined his carving activities for awhile but is now back at it by pacing himself in a healthy manner.  He is developing an inner eye to see within a block of wood what needs to be carved away to set free the image hiding inside the wood.

The following photographs are examples of his advancement and growth in the carving pursuits.  And besides that he is fun to talk with about the wonderful world of wood carving as evidenced by the many friends he has made on the Wood Carving Illustrated Forum.  Whenever he visits me from time to time for a carving chat and carving session his eagerness indicated that he has been bitten by the “carving bug.”



Egg Noggin Update

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects, Noggins

Egg Noggins are carved out of basswood hen eggs to depict a caricature face.  This photo journey are of recent “Noggins” carved for instructional purposes of the A-B-C’s of Face Carving.  Each is finished with Howard Feed N Wax to bring the carved wood surface to life.


TONY PERRY – Carving Friend

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Friends

Tony Perry is a fellow member of the Dayton Carvers Guild (Ohio) and beside carving whimsical houses in tree branches, he makes wonderful carving knives out of  old carpenter hand saw blades.  He fashions each in a unique handle shape that has a surprising comfortable fit  to the carving hand.  Here are two that he made for me according to my design of the blade shape.  Tony is a “sharp” friend.  Thanks Tony