Archive for July 17th, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Hobos, Knives





The Helvie Hobo was carved for Rich and Holli Smithson who are owners and manufacturers of Helvie Knives.  They are producing a “Signature Knife” of my design of blade and handle shape.  The hobo was carved exclusively with the “Signature Knife” in the photo.  Their  daughter Skylar likes to be included in collecting wood carvings.  Skylar is all smiles with the snowwoman gift by the WOOD BEE CARVER and the Santa by Will Hayden. Read the rest of this entry »


SURVIVOR STUDENTS – Conewago Carvers

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Survivor Students

Conewago Carvers of East Berlin, PA hosted a three day class with thirteen students who survived a Whittle-Carving experience taught by the WOOD BEE CARVER July 8, 9 & 10.  Pictured in the photo are (left to right front row) Dave Parker, Joan Hiser, Rose Huth, Jim Hiser, John Huth (back row left to right) Adam Ciemniechi, Jake Deery, Ed Otto, Gerald Smith, Tom Borecki, Ralph Buruick, Bob Hershey and Bruce Stake. Read the rest of this entry »