Archive for November 20th, 2010


JOHN BURKE – Remembered

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Friends

John Burke  was remembered at the Artistry in Wood Show in Dayton, Ohio with a display of his signature carvings including the Caricature Scene of “Leroy’s Garage.”  Noted for his Native American and Mountain Men carvings, John also created Santa carvings, bronzes and rustic Western furniture.  Perhaps where he excelled the most was through his instructional advancement of woodcarving  and the number of his students who became instructors in their own right.  He and his lovely wife Nancy sponsored the long running Western Art and Wildlife Seminar as well as manufacturing the famous “Burke Sharpening System.”  The woodcarving family remembers  John with great affection and humorous anecdotes of John’s wit and fun loving ways.  He has certainly carved a place in our room called “Remember.”   A previous memorial tribute may be viewed in the January 30, 2010 posting under Carving Friends.




LAME DUCK – Revisited

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

As a follow up of the “Silent Auction” project for Artistry in Wood Show in Dayton, Ohio of carving a duck-that-is-not-a-duck out of a duck body rough out the photographs to follow will give an example of the creativity and imagination of wood carvers.  Some carvers stayed fairly close to the original shape while carving thier imaginative ideas.  Others carved away a lot of the excess wood to present a carving that fit into their realm of expertise.  All in all it was a fun project with the proceeds from the silent auction being divided between the United Rehabilitation Services  and the carver. United Rehabilitation Services is the chaity that the Artisty in Wood and Dayton Carvers Guild donate at least $5000 a year as a way to give the gift of carving back to the community in a very helpful manner.  Woodcarvers are not “chiselers” but are generous in more ways that just carving. Read the rest of this entry »