Archive for October 18th, 2010



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

Spuds are short, stocky and spud like caricatures who chomp on a cigar.  When the first one on the right in the photograph  was carved it reminded me of a “spud” like character.  Each subsequent  look alike carving became another “spud” whose stance and demeanor take on an air of the kind of  no nonsense kind of guy who gets the business done.  While the first few “spuds” were under three inches, the later versions were carved out of a three inch tall by an inch and half square basswood block.  Each is finished with a monochrome finish of raw sienna artist oil paint mixed with boiled linseed oil in order to emphasis that “texture is color”  by allowing the carved texture to speak for itself. 

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Scottish Golfer Faces

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

Every carving project is a learning experience making each carving activity a journey into carving new adventures of creativity.  The latest journey consisted of carving three Scottish golfers in the bust format on top of a “Golf Ball Cage” blank available from Mark Akers.  These were carved using traditional carving tools of gouges and parting tools.  Each face was carved to give each their own personality and characteristic  since each golfer was wearing the traditional tam-o’shanterScottish cap.  The hair, side burns, mustache and beard treatment was different for each carvef face. Read the rest of this entry »