

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects


These two Magi carvings were commissioned for two friends to be added to earlier commissioned carvings for a Nativity Scene.  Each Magi carving is the same Magi even though each one has features that make each one unique and distinct in their own right.  Thus, using visual comparisons, the viewer can detect the subtle differences in the photographs below.

Notice in the four photographs below the slight difference in the facial features, the necklace, the robe trim, the decorative belt and the hand-held gift. These differences were carved to make each Magi unique and distinct with a personality of their own.



Each Magi was carved from a block of basswood nine inches tall, three inches wide and two inches deep. The first photo below on the left shows the knives (two SIDE KICK knives and a BUZZARD BEE prototype knife) that were used in the initial shaping (roughing out) of the figure on the right to compare with the basswood block on the left. The second photo on right shows the two knives (BUZZARD BEE prototype knives) used to shape the figure on the right to its basic shape and form.


The next two photos show the two Magi detail carved and ready to be painted in the process described in the “Painting Softly” tutorial in the BEE HIVE box to the right of this posting.


The final six photos below are a visual frontal facial study and profiles of each Magi.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 20th, 2017 at 10:34 am and is filed under Carving Projects. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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