It is fun as well as instructional to study old, antique and vintage wood carvings. Often they are available at flea markets, antique or thrift stores and auctions at a reasonable price. Their value is in studying each carving to imagine how the artist and creator executed the carving process with the efficiency of each cut as well as studying the pose and coloring effects. Some may need some repair providing an opportunity to try one’s hand of making those repairs and blending in the color. Vintage carving can also serve as models for one’s own interpretation of the subject of the model.
The photos presented here include a repair done of the Quaker man’s hat and an often repeated theme of a man sitting in a rocking chair that was carved for the tourist trade seventy five years ago. All of which provide excellent study in the art of carving in the vintage style of tourist souvenirs. (click on each photo to enlarge) Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by: woodbeecarver in Knives

A fundraiser for our local Alternatives is a “ONE OF A KIND” woodcarving knife collection! This collection of knives will be at the Eastern Woodland Carvers July Show in Converse, IN on July19-20, 2014. The set will be raffled off on Sunday, July 20th at 3:30pm. (If you are not attending the show but would like to participate, please contact us at 765-675-8811 or zen@tiptontel.com). You do not need to be present to win. Raffle tickets are $1/each or 7 tickets for $5. The collection will consist of 12 total knives from our Signature Series collections as well as a blade cover that was made by each carver. All knives have been personally autographed by these renowned and respected carvers featuring their respective blades and designed handles just for this event. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by: woodbeecarver in Knives

The Eastern Woodland Carvers Club in conjunction with Rich and Holli Smithson of Helvie Knives and Harold Enlow are offering a Memorial Knife and Carved Blade Base as a raffle prize at the July 19 and 20 carving show in Converse, Indiana. Rich Smithson made the Helvie Knife and did the wood burning art work on the handle while Harold Enlow, CCA Member and longtime friend of Tom Brown, carved the base to seat the knife blade. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by: woodbeecarver in General
Posted by: woodbeecarver in Knives

Here are recent examples of faces carved into blade covers. Carved blade covers are a fun way to practice carving faces as well as having a practical way to protect the blade in storage. The secret to carving better faces is to carve faces as often as possible because there is nothing to take the place of Practice, Practice, and Practice. Faces carved on blade covers are a ready reference for studying a carved face as well as adding a little whimsy to the carving knife’s appearance. Click on Knife Blade Covers to visit an earlier posting to learn how to make your own blade covers.

Three Cowpoke carvings are presented here as a visual study through photographs of the variations that can be carved in a similar subject. The WOOD BEE CARVER has been carving seriously for over forty years and yet every carving project continues to be a learning experience, a challenge in improving and refining the design and execution of the carving process. The three cowpoke carvings are the latest lessons learned and are shared here as examples for anyone who would like to carve their own cowpoke. Read the rest of this entry »