

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in General

                              MVWC show

Miami Valley Woodcarving Show, March 7 and 8 in Middletown, Ohio at Christ United Methodist Church, corner of Grand Ave. and Marshall. Come see one of the best medium size show with top notch carvers showing spectacular carvings along with demonstrations, vendors and the friendliest group of people waiting to greet each visitor.  Don Worley is the featured artist.



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects, Knives

Relief SWrelief side winder

The SIDE WINDER and SIDE WINDER II were put to the test to do a small relief carving in a quilt square block measuring four inches by four inches and three eights inch thick. The relief is of a log cabin with a tree to one side and grass and bushes in front. The photograph visual tutorial will show each Side Winder blade positioned on the completed carving to simulate the part of the blade making a particular cut on that portion of the relief picture. Read the rest of this entry »


STU MARTIN Suffers Loss

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Friends

Stu MartinStu Martin, a carving friend to the entire carving community suffered a great loss when his truck containing all his carvings, rough outs, tools and teaching supplies were stolen in January while in Texas for woodcarving shows and seminars. His truck was found the next day by police but all his carvings and seminar supplies were never recovered. If by chance anyone sees someone trying to sell Stu Martin’s carving, rough outs or tools, on the internet or elsewhere let Stu know by calling 316-794-2678 . The photo is of Stu teaching me at War Eagle Seminars around 1996 ~ he is a great teacher and carving friend.


WHITTLE DOODLE for Helvie Charity Raffle

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Knives, Whittle Doodles

Whittle Doodle The photograph of the WHITTLE DOODLE is presented here as an introduction to a special contribution by HELVIE KNIVES. Each year Rich, Holli and Skylar Smithson of Helvie Knives make a significant contribution to a charity raffle by providing a presentation box of Helvie knives as the raffle prize.

This year, 2015, they will donate all the WOOD BEE CARVER Signature Knives made by HELVIE KNIVES in a cherry presentation box decorated with the art work of Don Stephenson that is wood burned by Rich Smithson. The WOOD BEE CARVER has carved a commemorative Whittle Doodle to be included with all the knives in the presentation box. In the very near future an official announcement will be made about the recipient of the charity gift as well as information of how to purchase raffle tickets and the date of the raffle drawing.

Thanks to the Smithson family for their generosity of love and compassion in this very unique way of sharing the heart and soul behind their knife making business. HELVIE KNIVES.

[Photo composition by Carole Williams ~ webmaster of www.daytoncarvers.com]


GOOD SHEPHERD ~ A Carving Journey

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects

good shepherd good shepherd good shepherd

This photographic journey is of two interpretations of the Good Shepherd. The first series of photographs is the first one carved. The beginning basswood block was nine inches tall, three inches wide and two inches deep. Five HELVIE Knives were used in the carving of each Good Shepherd. Knives used were Signature Series # 10 ~ Hornet Bee, #13 ~ Bumble Bee, # 14 ~ Wasp Bee, #16 ~ Side Winder Bee, and # 17 ~ Side Winder II Bee. (See postings about the use of Side Winder knives December 16   and January 3.) Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Friends

St. NicholasJim Hecker, my friend and woodcarver from Minnesota carved a St. Nicholas for a dear lady and tells a story of the common carving journey any carver can make while creating a new subject to be carved. That journey begins with a challenge to carve a subject that is new to the carver. The challenge turns into a creative opportunity to carve an interpretation of the subject by using one’s creative imagination to plan the carving process. Creative imagination guides the carver to learn by doing and to design while carving the imagined mental picture of the subject. Jim chose to carve two of the same subject at the same time as a way to learn from the first one and take what was learned to refine the second carving. The final part of the carving journey comes with the recipient of the carving being very appreciative and the carver rewarded with the experience of learning on the carving journey. The photographs and Jim’s account of his journey indicates that he learned a carving lesson to pass on to us as we follow the wood chips of his inspiration to carve our own journey. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Knives

                SIDE WINDER BY HELVIE

HELVIE KNIVES announces the latest in the WOOD BEE CARVER ~ Signature Series are now available to order by visiting their website http://www.helvieknives.com/ or by calling 765-675-8811. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in BEE Buzz

Mertz carvingSECRET TO SUCCESS ~A motivational speaker opened his remarks by saying, “The secret to my success is that I have always followed the two ‘Rules of Success,’ Rule number 1, ‘Never tell everything you know,’ … The audience waited with baited anticipation for the second rule and then it dawned on them after a long pause that Rule 1 was the clue to not telling the second rule.

Some woodcarvers want everything spelled out for the carving of a particular project that leaves nothing to the imagination. Well there is no easy path to learning to carve. There is only “learning by doing” that becomes the best path for learning to carve. The WOOD BEE CARVER’S motto: “Would be carvers would be carvers if they would carve wood,” is the rule of success for carving. Read the rest of this entry »