Whittle Half Pints are three inch tall figures that are carved a half inch to a foot scale. They begin as an inch square by three inch tall block of basswood. Five more Half Pints are displayed in this photo review. Read the rest of this entry »
The photograph above is of Study Faces that are a by- product of the instructor’s carve along instructional go-by for doing the preliminary steps during a class. Those instructional pieces served their purpose and now have been completely carved to become visual examples of various faces that can be carved following the initial steps of carving the basic landmarks of a face. Read the rest of this entry »
Whittle Half Pints are three inch tall figures that are carved a half inch to a foot scale. They begin as an inch square by three inch tall block of basswood. Read the rest of this entry »
Hello Carvers! HELVIE KNIVES proudly presents……The 3rd Annual Basswood Knife Carving Competition! Read the rest of this entry »
The WOOD BEE CARVER is primarily a knife carver who carves in a Whittle-Carving style. The knife is the favorite carving tool and the favorite knife is the one in the carver’s hand at the time. The side effect of this love affair with knives is that there is a passion for collecting and reshaping and refurbishing knives to be used in the carving process. Read the rest of this entry »
Rich Smithson of HELVIE KNIVES has wood burned the art work of Don Stephenson on the cherry wood lid for the box that will contain twenty one of the WOOD BEE CARVER Signature Series knives made by HELVIE KNIVES along with an original carving by Don Mertz of a Whittle Doodle. Visit the previous postings in this blog about the HELVIE fund raising raffle for Juvenile Diabetes Research and how one can become a part of this raffle. Read the rest of this entry »
Don Stephenson is a very good friend who is an artist with a pen, wood burner and a knife. Recently he gave me the original drawings that will be used for inspiration on the cherry presentation box for the HELVIE Fund Raiser. Rich Smithson will use these drawings in an appropriate manner to decorate the box that will contain twenty one WOOD BEE CARVER Signature Knives made by HELVIE KNIVES and an original WHITTLE DOODLE carving by Don Mertz. Childhood Diabetes Research will receive the proceeds from the fund raising raffle as has been described in the two previous postings in this blog. Thanks to Don Stephenson for his creative genius and generous gifts to the arts. Below are his drawings.
HELVIE Whittle Doodle
The HELVIE Whittle Doodle was carved to be part of the Helvie Fund Raising for Childhood Diabetes Research as described in the previous posting on March 16. The first series of photographs are a panoramic view of the entire carving with its finished stain of artist oil paint Raw Sienna thinned with boiled linseed oil followed with a brushed on application of Deft, a brushing lacquer.
The next series of photographs depict the various sections of the Whittle Doodle along with the WOOD BEE CARVER Signature Knives used to carve each segment. Read the rest of this entry »