Skylar Smithson and Don Mertz stand behind the presentation box of 21 Wood Bee Carver Signature Knives made by HELVIE KNIVES and a Whittle Doodle carved by Don Mertz that was awarded to Farley Baker of Morrow, Ohio in the raffle drawing at the Eastern Woodland Carving Club Show, July 19, 2015 in Converse, IN. Even thought there were hundreds of raffle tickets purchased for this fund raiser for Childhood Diabetes Research, yet only one ticket could win the box of knives. However, everyone who purchased a ticket is a winner in that each donation will provide necessary funds for the research for helping children with diabetes. Thanks to Rich and Holli Smithson for their generous donation of the twenty one knives and beautifully wood burned lid of the presentation box. Together, all who participated in this project is a winner. THANK YOU!!!!
The purpose of a Whittle Doodle is to demonstrate what can be carved using only a knife in Whittle-Carving style. Doodling with a knife is an adventure of imagination shaping a block of wood with a variety of carving themes and subjects.
Two WHITTLE DOODLES are showcased here. Read the rest of this entry »
During the International Woodcarving Congress in Maquoketa, Iowa, eleven students survived a five day class of Whittle-Carving using only a knife to learn the ABC’s of Face Carving. The Survivor Students in the photo above are [ left to right – front row] Gen Kreylin; Kathryn Overcash; Diane Guntzel; Linda Medhus; Don Mertz (WOOD BEE CARVER) [second row – left to right] Tim Johnson; Tom Kreylin; Jim Pinkerton; Ron Gumm; Fred Doern; Hugh Babcock and Marc Featherly. Read the rest of this entry »
This Whittle Doodle Supreme was commissioned by Rich, Holli and Skylar Smithson of Helvie Knives to be added to their private collection of carvings by a variety of carvers. This Whittle Doodle Supreme was carved in a basswood block fifteen inches tall by three and three quarter inches square. Approximately one hundred twenty hours of carving time over a five week period were invested to complete the Whittle Doodle. It was carved using a variety of Wood Bee Carver Signature Series knives made by Helvie Knives as depicted in the photographs displaying the knives used on the completed Whittle Doodle. Read the rest of this entry »
Dragon Bee and Dragon BEE II knives are the latest edition of the Wood Bee Carver Signature Series knives made by Helvie Knives (765-675-8811). Each knife hosts a scimitar shaped blade in a pistol shaped handle. Read the rest of this entry »
Jake and Zeke are an Employee of the Month caricature study of a fellow leaning on the push broom, holding a coke bottle in his other hand, shirt tail not tucked into his trousers and a wide toothy grin on his face. Two carvings of same subject are presented here as visual studies of a similar pose with the slight variation being the toothy grins. Read the rest of this entry »