Ornaments carved at Christmas time are to bring Love, Joy, Peace, Hope with the celebration of Noel and of course Santa. The ornament gallery that follows are those carved for 2019.
The four photographs above represent the most recent carvings done for Helvie Knives to add to their collection and their generous charity project.
Ornaments carved at Christmas time are to bring Love, Joy, Peace, Hope with the celebration of Noel and of course Santa. The ornament gallery that follows are those carved for 2019.
Don Worley carves in a delightful and whimsical style that is not only eye catching but is also instructive in an inspirational manner. Years ago, he introduced his “No-See-Ums” that became a favorite carving project among carvers ~ Recently he introduced his “Biker Dudes” that had the same appeal to carvers both in classes he taught and those who followed his self-published book.