Archive for January 15th, 2014
A recent commission to carve two figures representative of Phil Robertson dressed in camouflage resulted in these two carvings. The design of the camouflage fatigues was created by wood burning the darker designs on the bare basswood followed by the painting process of a tan color to simulate desert camouflage.
The caricature likeness of the Duck Dynasty character was made possible by incorporating certain characteristics identified with the character. A duck call in one hand, a shot gun in the other hand, the camouflage head band and the signature beard and mustache outfits this carving into a reasonable likeness of the character.
A study of the photographs will reveal that each carving while similar yet each is unique in its own interpretation of the same subject. Most carvings are interpretations rather than a mirror image of the original. It is the interpretation mixed with imagination of the eye and mind that make each carving come alive. (click on each photo to enlarge) Read the rest of this entry »