Heroes are depicted in photograph with The Rifleman on left, coal miner in center and The Lone Ranger on the right. Each was carved out of an inch square by four inch tall block of basswood and colored with artist oil paint and boiled linseed oil. Read the rest of this entry »
Commission Carvings can now be shown on this blog in that many of them were to be Christmas gifts. The photographic journey of each carving is presented with multiple views for careful and carveful study. Each one is an example of Whittle-Carving that uses only knives in the carving process. The finish is a combination of boiled linseed oil and artist oil paint with the monochrome color being raw sienna and boiled linseed oil. The polychrome coloration is various colors of artist oil paints and boiled linseed oil followed by an application of Deft, a brushing lacquer.
The photographic journey that follows depict a Civil War Soldier bust carved out of basswood hen egg; Cow Pokes carved out of a two inch tall by inch square block of basswood; CSA Soldier carved out of an inch and half square by six inch tall block of basswood and a Crony With Cigar knife blade cover. Read the rest of this entry »
Commission Carvings can now be shown on this blog in that many of them were to be Christmas gifts. The photographic journey of each carving is presented with multiple views for careful and carveful study. Each one is an example of Whittle-Carving that uses only knives in the carving process. The finish is a combination of boiled linseed oil and artist oil paint with the monochrome color being raw sienna and boiled linseed oil. The polychrome coloration is various colors of artist oil paints and boiled linseed oil followed by an application of Deft, a brushing lacquer.

The “Inventor of the Tooth Brush” is the first of a series of Commission Carvings. In the first photo the carving in the middle was carved in 2003 as the first of this theme. The two on either side are the latest version of the humorous story of the tooth brush invention. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by: woodbeecarver in General
Posted by: woodbeecarver in Knives
Rich Smithson of Helvie Knives decorated a knife handle with his art work for the Eastern Woodland Carving Club to auction off at their recent Christmas Dinner/Party. The blade cover was carved by the WOOD BEE CARVER. Together the knife and blade cover garnered $160 for the Club’s expenses. The four photographs below shows off the beautiful wood burning and painting art work of Rich who also makes a well-respected carving knife in the Helvie brand.
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HUGH O’NEAL of Munford, Alabama has once again had a good showing of his carvings at the annual Art Show at Plank Road Station in Winterboro, AL. Click on his name to read last year’s posting of his carving display.
His display table is full of a variety of Santa carvings as well as his caricature human figures. He received several ribbons along with brisk sales of his carvings. The photographs below give a snapshot view of Hugh’s continuing journey in a carving adventure. Hugh is an example of carvers who realize that the more one carves, the better one carves. Read the rest of this entry »

STEVE PRESCOTT is founding member of the Caricature Carvers of America which was founded in 1990. He has written two books on caricature carving entitled “Cowtown Carving” and “Block Heads” with numerous of the projects in the books the subject of rough out carving blanks. He is an instructor in the art of Caricature carving and has been instrumental in advancing Caricature Carving as an Art. I first met Steve at the original War Eagle Seminars in Arkansas in 1994 and took a class from him there in 1997. Our friendship has grown ever since and he continues to be an inspiration to me and countless other woodcarvers. Visit his web site Cowtown Carving Company.
Steve has given me permission to post some photographs of his recent carving projects as an extension of his encouragement in Caricature carving. Read the rest of this entry »