Archive for May 21st, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

Cy Clone was carved a few weeks ago along with two partially carved examples for comparison purposes.  Since that initial carving journey it became a challenge to “clone” Cy into additional figures of different sizes than the original six inch tall.  In the photograph Cy is on the left while in the middle is Cy carved to basic form and the Cy on the right has been stained with one color of raw sienna artist oil paint  and boiled linseed oil.  The monochrome of one color is another way to present a carving with the understanding that “texture is color” as well.  The colored Cy on the left and the monochromed Cy on the right each stand on their own while offering a different aesthetic approach to the same carving theme.  The additional “clones” of Cy will all be monochromed in one color with their difference being their size. Read the rest of this entry »