Archive for April 10th, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

WHITTLE DWARFS are whittle (small) whimsical carvings adapted from the magical art world of my good friend Don Stephenson. His drawings of three Dwarf Wizards serve as a backdrop in the photograph of the two Whittle-Carved Whittle Dwarfs. Whittle Dwarfs began as a one and three quarter inch tall by one inch square block of basswood and are whittled into the basic form of Don Stephenson’s drawings.  There eyes are covered by their head covering reminiscent of Don Worley’s “No See-Ums” face creations.  These Whittle Dwarfs are fun to carve, cute to have sitting around on a table or shelf, lend themselves to whimsical imagination and utilize those little scraps of wood that are too good to throw away.

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