Archive for March 19th, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Noggins



BITS AND PIECES  are carvings that are done to replenish the supply of novelty carvings for display at woodcarving shows and the occasional spur-of-the-moment carving  just for the fun of it.  The first three photographs are of  Tree Noggins carved out of basswood tree  limbs using only a knife.  The carved faces are finished with a coat of Howard Wax-N-Feed.  The fourth photograph above is of Pin Heads carved out of Doll Pins purchased at Hobby Lobby to resemble the old wooden clothes pin.  Pin Heads are carved with only a knife and finished with Howard Wax-N-Feed. 

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   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Friends, Knives

Rich and Holli Smithson, owners and manufacturers of  HELVIE KNIVES of Tipton, Indiana have  a growing collection of carved basswood handled Helvie Knives.  Basswood handles on Helvie Knives suitable for carving have been a staple among the many popular knives offered in their inventory.  Carvers from around the country have submitted their creations to add to this collection and Rich and Holli have granted me permission to post photographs of their collection.  This is in addition to the Caricature Carvers of America collection of carved handles as depicted in a previous posting.   Take a photographic journey to see this marvelous collection of creative and unique carved knife handles.


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