Archive for March 12th, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

Hobbit  characters have been popular ever since they first appeared in the writing of  Tolkien  and subsequent movies.  A friend commissioned a carving of a Hobbit which was a new subject for this carver.  So the research process that follows the initial idea for a carver began by first going to the Internet research box like Google, Yahoo and Bing.  When doing such research always add the word “images” following the subject being researched in order to go to a site dedicated to innumerable images.  Next step was to contact my IDEA MONSTER, Don Stephenson  who knows about a lot of subjects that he can draw on a sketch pad.  He drew up several examples of Hobbits on paper, then drew a Hobbit on the note he included with the drawings, then drew a Hobbit on the cardboard insert for support in the envelope and finally drew a Hobbit on the shipping envelope.  Photographs of his drawings are displayed below. Read the rest of this entry »