“The more one carves the better one carves,” is part of the learning journey of woodcarving. The two photographs are of an early version of Lone Wolf that was the subject of a previous post in early 2008. https://woodbeecarver.com/?p=192 It was whittle-carved using only a knife out of a one and half inch square by six inches tall block of basswood. It was colored using the Painting Softly method of artist oil paint mixed with boiled linseed oil. It was based on earlier versions of the same pose carved several times out of a smaller piece of basswood. Read the rest of this entry »
CARICATURE CARVERS OF AMERICA announce the sale of CCA Members’ carvings on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at the Best Western Inn and Conference Center, 8514 State Highway 76, Branson, Missouri. A preview of the carvings being offered for sale may be viewed on the Caricature Carvers of America web site at the following link: http://www.cca-carvers.org/2010-salecarvings/2010-salecarvings1.htm
Closer to the time of the sale additional information will be posted on the CCA web site http://www.cca-carvers.org/ The CCA web site contains information on the Caricature Carving Competition scheduled for August 25, 2010 and Seminar August 26, 27, and 28. The site also contains profiles of the CCA Members, past competitions and other information of interest on the subject of caricature carving.

Posted by: woodbeecarver in Noggins

Faces carved on the handle of an antique potato masher Totem Pole fashion is an example of the Old Carver’s Law: “Don’t let any wood go un-carved.” This style of carving is an exercise of letting the carver’s imagination guide the carving knife to transform a non-distinct wooden handle into a carved novelty. The faces are examples of caricature face carving that fit the shape of the wooden handle. This carving project was a gift to someone who collects antique potato mashers as well as wood carvings of many artists. I was honored to do this carving for these special friends. Read the rest of this entry »

Don Stephenson, a member of the Dayton Carvers Guild, is a prolific artist who keeps coming up with carving project ideas. In fact, he keeps coming up with so many good ideas that I have nick named him the “Idea Monster” to which he emailed me back a drawing of the proverbial “light-bulb idea icon”with a monster-ish face on it. Read the rest of this entry »