JOHN BURKE, ended his battle with cancer on January 29, 2010. A carver of extra ordinary artistic ability and whose name is synonymous with Western Art, John endeared himself to his untold number of students and the carving community. His was a household name and along with his beloved wife, Nancy, they sponsored a yearly woodcarving learning experience in the Western and Wildlife Art Workshop at Doane College in Crete, Nebraska. The “Burke Sharpening System” revolutionized the ease of sharpening carving tools. Most of all the friendships made over the years continue to relive the memories of times shared. Read the rest of this entry »
A “Monochrome” finish is a one color or natural finish that is illustrated in this photograph of four Whittle Folk Spuds. What the natural finish does is force the viewer to take a closer look at the carved features of a sculpture. A natural finish shows off the detail of the carving cuts and the overall design of the sculpture. A “Polychrome” finish is many colors that creates another kind of aesthetic beauty. Read the rest of this entry »

Whittle Folk Clown Lite is a three and a half inch tall caricature of a clown whittle-carved only with a knife. He is holding a balloon and a feather to figure out which one is lighter. His coat of checker board plaid are lines carved to give texture as well as a trough to separate the colors. The coat tail as well as the extra long tie flair outward to give a sense of movement. His head is turned slightly to his left to add to the sense of movement. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by: woodbeecarver in General

Carving is a partnership between the creative subconscious sending a message to the hand holding a carving tool to shape wood into a creative expression of the art of carving by hand. It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so this photo essay of hands carving will say all that needs to be said. Read the rest of this entry »

The WOOD BEE CARVER likes to tinker and doodle with ideas and innovations that spring from childhood memories. Perhaps that is one of the motivations for carving one’s creative ideas that come on the journey of carving wood. As a boy growing up on a little farm “three miles South of Poneto, Indiana,” I made many of my toys many of which were whittled using a pocket knife. That same childlike thrill of discovery and home made creativity spills over into an “old man’s toy” as is evidenced by the PONETO TOOL CADDY just created. Read the rest of this entry »

The WOOD BEE CARVER has worn a black derby hat, bib overalls and a Colonel Sanders bow tie since 1976 whenever he participates in a woodcarving show. The derby hat was purchased at a church rummage sale and has become frayed around the edges over the years. That is what age will do to any of us but at any age we can still look the part. Since I wear glasses the glasses were carved without the detail of the eyes showing through the lens. This adds a bit of mystery appearance in the same way that sun glasses add to the mystery of a person’s face. In this self portrait figure the center of attention are the hands whittling while the eyes hidden behind the lens of the glasses are looking at the hands. Read the rest of this entry »