Posted by: woodbeecarver in General
Posted by: woodbeecarver in General

These three photos show carvings displayed in the carving room. Carvings are hanging on the wall behind a former library card catalog cabinet which have many Santa carvings on display on its top.
The two other photos show carvings on display in two sections of a cabinet with shelves. The bottom of the cabinet contain wood carving books and magazines.
Most of the carvings on display were carved by the WOOD BEE CARVER along with several others carved by other carvers that have been collected over the years of friendship within the carving family.
The WOOD BEE CARVER has been carving seriously since 1975 as a hobby carver who has dedicated himself to always be an amateur carver. “Amateur” means one who does what one does for the love of doing it while also learning by doing and improving one’s skills, abilities and interests while doing what one loves to do.
In the same frame of understanding, my philosophy developed to say, “Would be carvers would be carver if they would carve wood,” which implies the “amateur” ever learning and ever growing aspect of the carving experience. Wood carving is using the trial and error method of learning while doing with the assumption being that the more one carves, the better one becomes since so much of the carving experience is “practice, practice, practice.” Read the rest of this entry »