JOHN BURKE, ended his battle with cancer on January 29, 2010. A carver of extra ordinary artistic ability and whose name is synonymous with Western Art, John endeared himself to his untold number of students and the carving community. His was a household name and along with his beloved wife, Nancy, they sponsored a yearly woodcarving learning experience in the Western and Wildlife Art Workshop at Doane College in Crete, Nebraska. The “Burke Sharpening System” revolutionized the ease of sharpening carving tools. Most of all the friendships made over the years continue to relive the memories of times shared.
John was honored by Woodcarving Illustrated in 2009 as being named “Woodcarver of the Year.”
The photograph trail that follows is only a small representation of his carving influence and is shared in tribute of John’s lasting influence upon the woodcarving family as a carver, author, instructor and friend.
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