

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects

The carving project that is the subject of this posting is the “SHAPE UP” carving of five cowpokes in succession but one at a time to complete the project.  Each is carved using a six-inch-tall by inch and half square basswood block.

The phrase “SHAPE UP” means to develop, take form, become structured, reform and improve. On a personal level it can mean to improve one’s behavior or performance to meet a required standard.  The Wood Bee Carver uses it to refer to the wood carving process in the Whittle-Carving style of knife carving ~ as in ~ “SHAPE UP the carving project to its basic form to be in SHAPE with a good foundation in order to SHAPE UP the form with detailed slicing cuts to a Detailed shape.”  For the Carver ~ SHAPE UP means to improve one’s skill by carving as often as possible in order to learn by doing and expand one’s imagination to guide the carving process to reach a standard of being the best carver within one’s ability.”  SHAPE UP is to remember The more one carves, the better one carves,” and “Practice make progress.”



The first “Shape Up” step is to carve the basic form of the head and head covering to approximate proportion at the top of the block. Begin by slicing the four corners which will create eight corners to slice away until a dowel shape is formed.  Next draw a center line across the top of the dowel to indicate the direction the face will be turned and then draw a line around the dowel to indicate the brim of the hat.  Using a slice and roll cut around the top edge of the brim line will begin the shaping of the top of the brim and the shape of the crown of the hat.  Continue to do these slice and roll cuts until an approximate size and shape of the top of hat is established. The bottom of the brim is next being made with a slice of the cutting edge making a stop cut under the brim followed with a gentle slice cut up to the stop cut of what will be the sides of the head. Do this slow and easy all around the bottom of the brim several times until the basic form of the face and head area are of approximate size by keeping in mind that more wood will be removed from the side of the head with less wood removed from the front to allow for the shaping of the face. The four photos below will show the progressive steps for the shaping of the hat and head portion.

Once the hat and head portion are carved to basic form, then the wood below the head portion is divided by the Rule of Three for Body Proportions ~ Shoulder to Waist; Waist to Mid Knees; Mid Knees to Bottom of Feet. An indication for the base is carved as a notch cut about a quarter of an inch at the bottom of the block on all four sides.  On one side of the block that represents the side of the body, make a dot with a pencil at the top of the shoulder area.  Between that shoulder dot and the notch at top of the base visually divide that area into three proportions by putting a pencil dot at the waist area and a pencil dot at the mid-knees area. Visually study the spaces between the dots to see if the proportions are about equal, if not move the pencil dots until there are three fairly equal proportions. When satisfied draw a horizontal line around the block at the Shoulder, a line drawn around the block at the Waist and a line is drawn around the block at the Mid Knees. Using these horizontal lines as a guide, the body parts can be drawn in each proportional area.

The cartoon drawing on all four sides of block will offer a guide to begin the Shape Up process of carving the basic form of each cowpoke.  The two photos below are of the first cowpoke nick named “Drifter” carved to basic form without details standing in from of the other four cowpokes in their cartoon drawn guidelines followed by a detailed “Drifter.”

“Lasso” is the nickname of the next cowpoke subject of the next two photos, one carved to basic form and the second with details.

“Cactus” is the nickname of the next cowpoke subject in the next two photos, one carved to basic form and the second with details.


“Fuzzy” is the nickname of the next cowpoke subject in the next two Photos, one carved to basic form and the second with details.

“Tumbleweed” is the nickname of the next cowpoke subject in the next photos.            

The line up of the Bunkhouse Five in their unpainted  and detailed presentation (left to right) Drifter ~ Lasso ~ Cactus ~ Fuzzy ~ Tumbleweed.

To view the Gallery of the Bunk House Five, click on ~ BUNK HOUSE FIVE ~ the Gallery.


This entry was posted on Saturday, August 24th, 2024 at 3:40 pm and is filed under Carving Projects. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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