
BUNK HOUSE FIVE ~ the Gallery

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Carving Projects

Each cowpoke will be presented in the gallery below following the line up of the group photo at the top of this posting going left to right beginning with “Drifter” ~ “Lasso” ~ “Cactus” ~ “Fuzzy” ~ “Tumbleweed”.

The “Bunk House Five” is a carving project of carving five cowpokes, one at a time to illustrate a variety of poses, outfits and characteristics. While they are all similar in some ways, yet each is an individual personality both in the form as well as the coloration.  Studying the group photo, it is noticed that each hat is a different style indicative that the cowboy way was very individualistic.  Notice the positions of the hands in each cowpoke is a little different from the others and their hair and mustache coloring is different. In the composition photo below of the four sides of the Bunk House Five these characteristics can be visually studied.

Drifter is an older cowpoke with a cigar sneaking out the corner of his mouth under his bushy gray mustache.  He is carrying his saddlebag indicating that he has drifted from bunk house to bunk house in his long career. (click on photo to enlarge)

Lasso is a weathered cow hand who has worked many round up wearing his chaps and carrying his coiled lasso ready for the next ride. (click on photo to enlarge)

Cactus is a prickerly old cuss whose relaxed pose with thumbs in his belt cautions his approach to the two guns at his side. (click on photo to enlarge)


Fuzzy is a quiet story teller of the bunk house whose humor in with no nonsense because he has been down the trail a long time so that there is nothing that surprises him anymore. (click on photo to enlarge)

Tumbleweed is a steady as they come as his nickname was opposite of his character. Younger that the others and yet mature beyond his years he took the lead and could always be counted to do his best. (click on photo to enlarge)


The carving of the Bunk House Five one at a time but together as an overall carving project illustrates that “each carving project is a learning project” ~ “each carving project is a practice project in that practice makes progress” ~ “each carving project fulfills the observation that ‘the more one carves the better one carves’ since each project is a challenge and a ‘Challenger is a teacher of unknown lessons.’” ~ AND “if it can be imagined, it can be.”  All of this from the Wood Bee Carver whose motto is  ~ “Would be carvers would be carvers if they would carve wood.”

To view the Shape Up process for carving the Bunk House Five click on ~   Bunk House Five ~ the Shape up.



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