The Face Study photos above represents one of the instructional exercises that the Wood Bee Carver used in classes before retiring from teaching. The first two photos are of detailed faces completed after retiring and the third photo is of study faces in the various stages of development. The photo below shows the Progressive Steps for carving a Face Study.
One of the exercises used in teaching the Rule of Three of Facial Proportions and how to open up a block of wood with the primary landmarks of a face uses the progressive steps face study depicted in the photo above. Each step is demonstrated by the instructor while the students carve each demonstrated step. The demonstrations cover the basic steps of 1 through 5 in the photo above with additional demonstrations by instructor of a variety of the mouth with or without teeth. The finished detailing as depicted in step 6 is done by each student at a later time. The instructor’s demo face studies accumulate following each class which are finished with detailed carving at a later time to complete each face.
Previous blog entries on these Study Faces may be viewed by clicking on each of the three links below.
The “Destination” of the journey of carving a mountain man is the finished carving that is displayed in this beginning photographic gallery. After this first photo display the “Journey” portion of the mountain man project will be explained in written explanations and photos of the progressive carving steps towards to finished mountain man.
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