Whittle Doodles are doodling with a knife in a block of wood to carve a variety of subjects and themes as a demonstration of carvings done using only a knife. Whimsical in nature and yet a way to illustrate the art and practice of carving in a small and restricted area.
Archive for August, 2020
“A one tracked mind,” implies that a person is overly committed to only one main pursuit that consumes one’s energy, thinking and motivation. Life on the “one track” can be very exhausting, time consuming and misses smelling the roses along the way. The wisdom in the old saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” is comparable to having a “one track mind.” Having a well-rounded approach with varied experiences can open up the door to a creative personality of becoming the best we can be. The creative power of a hobby like wood carving can widen the horizon of beauty in one’s life and purpose.
A commissioned carving project of a carpenter nonchalantly holding his hammer while tapping its head into the palm of his other hand is carved out of a seven-inch-tall block of basswood with the words “HAVE HAMMER ~ WILL TRAVEL” incised into the base of the carving.