Archive for March, 2018



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Knives



LITTLE STINKER knives are designed by the WOOD BEE CARVER and made by HELVIE KNIVES.  These are DETAIL carving knives intended to be used in a slicing action (like slicing a tomato or bread) while being held like a pencil between the thumb and index finger while resting on the second finger and in the crook of hand between the thumb joint and the index finger. The slender wooden handle is comfortable when held pencil fashion rather than in the palm of hand as when holding a larger bladed knife.  Each knife can be held in the palm of the hand for short periods of time to make certain cuts but not for long periods of time.

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   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects


Whittle-Carving is carving using only knives to shape the wood.  Whittle-Carving is also “free hand” style of carving in that the basic form of the carving appears as the wood is shaped with the slicing of the knife.  “Free hand” is also an “imagination” guided process of shaping the wood to correspond with the image in the mind of the carver.  Every carving project is a learning project that is also guided by imagination at work in the carving process as the carver learns through the challenge of bringing what is imagined into a recognizable reality.

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MT. RUSHMORE ~ A Commission of Love

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects


Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota is an iconic and historic stone sculpture that captures the patriotic imagination of the United States.  Four presidents, Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln, are immortalized on the side of a mountain as a symbol of nationalistic pride.  Whether it is seen in person or as a photograph the Mt. Rushmore sculpture is a recognized mental image.

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   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

The Wood Bee Carver normally carves from a block of wood and seldom carves a rough out since there is a difference of creative approach in the carving process.  With a rough out the basic shape has been determined and the carver carves in the details within the confines of the predetermined design, kind of like coloring within the lines in a coloring book.  Some creative license can be applied in the detail portion of the carving process so that the finished rough out carving does not look like every other rough out carving of that subject.  In the case of Jade only the head was textured with fur while the rest of the bear received a shirt and overalls. The heart motif was expanded to include a heart label on the back of the overalls and the nose of the bear was carved in the shape of a heart. Read the rest of this entry »



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects


The Wood Bee Carver normally carves from a block of wood and seldom carves a rough out since there is a difference of creative approach in the carving process.  With a rough out the basic shape has been determined and the carver carves in the details within the confines of the predetermined design, kind of like coloring within the lines in a coloring book.  Some creative license can be applied in the detail portion of the carving process so that the finished rough out carving does not look like every other rough out carving of that subject.  In the case of DaRokk, instead of inserting a spear in the left hand of the caveman, a rabbit was carved and inserted in the back of the left hand.


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