This Plumber’s Helper caricature of a plumber riding a Helper like it was a pogo stick is a humorous way of illustrating how that Helper could be used in the imagination of the absurd. A caricature is always an “exaggeration of realism,” both in the carved figure and in the story it is telling.
The child in each of us remembers the suction cup toy guns and bow and arrow toys that would shoot a suction cup missile. Licking the inside of the suction cup with moisture would cause the suction cup to stick to the object it touched. The suction cup was very much like the “plumber’s helper” which was often used in childhood cartoons like the suction cup toys.
This caricature was carved out of a three inch tall by inch and half square block of basswood and painted with artist oil paints thinned with boiled linseed oil. Read the rest of this entry »

The iconic Mother and Child image was created a long time ago in antiquity using a simple design whose beauty is in its simplicity.
This woodcarving is an interpretation carved only with a knife in butternut wood. The three inch by two and half inch carving is finished with an oil finish followed with a coat of Deft and then Howard Feed-N-Wax.
The various views from different angles give a panoramic view of the Mother and Child carving whose simple beauty is the story it tells ~ a Christmas Story of Love.