Archive for June 27th, 2011


CARVING FACES Workbook by Harold Enlow

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in CCA Related






“Carving Faces Workbook” published by Fox Chapel  Publishing is the latest book by renown caricature carver and instructor Harold Enlow.  It was Harold, who in the mid 1970’s published the first of his many instructional books and began his teaching career that has influenced more wood carvers than any one other person.  Now in semi-retirement he continues to advance woodcarving to a new generation of wood carvers through a few seminars and his latest book.  “Carving Faces Workbook” may be one of his best books among his already classic volumes that are still of great value to any wood carver.

“Carving Faces Workbook” retails for $19.95 but can be purchased from at the reduced price of $12.11 plus shipping.

The WOOD BEE CARVER  highly recommends Harold’s book to any wood carver who wants to learn to carve faces with life and expression.  Harold is an Emeritus Member of the Caricature Carvers of America having been one of its founding members.  Harold has been one of my mentors and a good carving friend who continues to make significant contributions to the carving community.

“Thank You,”   Harold Enlow.