Archive for May 14th, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Tutorials



The RULE OF THUMB has since ancient time been a common form of measurement as well as an expression of speech. It is defined as a general or approximate principle, procedure or rule based on experience or practice. Carpenters often use thumb width or length from first knuckle to thumb tip as a quick and easy “one inch” measurement. The length of the thumb is approximately “three inches” or equal to the width of four fingers.

Often an artist will sight past an upright thumb at arms length to gain approximate perspective of a distant object. No one knows for sure who originated the “Rule of Thumb” but it has been suggested that Leonardo DaVinci used its principle in his study of human anatamony and artistic proportions.

Carvers can use the “Rule of Thumb” for a quick and approximate measurement while carving to visualize proportions, sight comparison measurements or one inch incremental measurement. Read the rest of this entry »