Archive for April 30th, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects



CY CLONE is carved out of a six inch by an inch and a half square block of basswood.  The pose is of an old geezer in deep thought as he holds his hands behind his back.  The mental image of Cy Clone had been napping in the study hall of the sub conscious for a good many years.  A smaller version was carved ten years ago as a study go-by which also took a nap.  The idea woke up to become a current carving project in preparation for class go-bys.  The photographs above begin with a completed Cy Clone.    Two instructional photos of how the block is opened standing beside a carved example are in the middle.  The final photo is of a completed Cy Clone with two versions of carved to form examples of Cy Clone.  The original idea came from Harold Enlow’s 1989  book on carving hobos.  Some carving ideas take a while to work their way from an observation to an imagination of a carving subject and finally to reality.   The photographs that follow are for study using observation, imagination and comparative visual instruction. Read the rest of this entry »