Archive for April 12th, 2011



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Tutorials


GO-BY’S are in essence  “models” used for comparison during the carving of a given subject.  Some GO-BY’S are  carved to basic form and others are completely carved to give a before and after appearance for study and comparison.  Often GO-BY’S are used during a class setting where students can study the intricate and subtle carving cuts as well as the basic overall design of the basic form as well as detail finishing touches.  The two photographs above offer a variety of subjects that are carved to the basic form of a Santa, old geezer with pipe and crooked stick, a carpenter, a wizard and a gnome shown in a front and rear view.

In the following photographic journey are various GO-BY’S that are being used in scheduled classes and are offered here as a photographic study. (click on each photo to enlarge and then back arrow to return)  A photographic study is to allow the picture to speak a thousand words by visually studying each carving in an imagination carving mode imagining how each was carved out of a square block of basswood using only a knife in the Whittle-Carving style of the  WOOD BEE CARVER. Read the rest of this entry »