Ten students survived another whittle-carving class on February 19, 2011 at the Woodcraft Store in Centerville, Ohio. Pictured in the photograph are (left to right) Curt McCarthy, Dale Smith, Allen Armstrong, Tyson Dean, Ronnie Stewart, Trish Walton, Mike Closson, Andy Zinsmeister, Rita Carey and Teresa Balsbaugh.
Each student learned the basics for carving faces using only a knife by carving either a Shelf Squatter or a wooden basswood hen egg into a face. Instruction was giving as to the Rule of Three of facial proportions and the A,B, C’s that can be seen in a face. Warm up exercises included carving a study face using a triangle block of wood to carve the nose , smile line and mouth mound. Another exercise used the Three Version Face Stick to carve a ball on a square stick, lay out the angles and plane on a face on a ninety degree corner as well as narrowing of face to learn that the face is two thirds wide and three thirds long. These exercises can be found under Cool Links under the titles of Face Eye Study, Face Eye Study 2 and Three Version Face Stick which are visible and printable instructional aids. Students learned the benefit of utilizing the slicing cut as often as possible along with the versatility of making notch cuts and the three cut triangle chip cuts.
The photograph to the left shows examples of faces carved using only a knife. The egg shaped faces were carved using a basswood hen egg and can become a bottle stopper, a bobble head or simply sit upon a shelf. The three Shelf Squatters in the center shelf are carved out of an inch and half square by three inch long basswood block with part of the back cut out to allow the carving to sit on a shelf with part of the front of the carving hanging over the shelf. The Cowpoke Busts are three inch tall by and inch and half square block of basswood. Each of these carvings are examples of faces that can be carved of various subjects and facial expressions. The photograph on the right contains more examples of faces that can be carved showing various facial features and expression for study. Studying and carving faces helps any carver become more proficient at carving faces because the “more one carves the better one carver,” to fulfill the Wood Bee Carver’s motto: “Would Be Carvers Would Be Carvers if They Would Carve Wood.”