Archive for February 8th, 2011


RULE OF THREE- Eye and Mouth

   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Tu Tor Plus, Tutorials

Rick Jensen is a good carving friend who is known among carving circles for his expertise in carving and teaching how to carve whimsical houses out of cottonwood bark.  He teaches all around the nation and has authored a book entitled “Carving Tree Bark.”   He is a popular teacher who has influenced untold number of students who go on to create their own unique designs of tree bark houses.  His fun loving personality, good sense of humor and generosity of spirit endears him to all who call him friend and beloved carver.  When I asked him if I could use his image for an instructional posting he more than graciously agreed which is just like his passion for encouraging carvers to experience the joy and satisfaction of carving.  He is sometimes known by his nick name of “Bark Boy” but even more he is known as a respected carver, teacher, judge and all around nice guy.  In studying his face in the photograph one will notice a strong face with character and a smile of friendly welcome. Read the rest of this entry »