Posted by: woodbeecarver in General

Is the Gift of Love
A Memory remembered,
A Memory being made.
May the blessing of Memory
Be a gift of Love this

Bobble Head Santa was the subject of a posting on November 28, 2010 which was the beginning of a fun project. The four photographs above are of a second Bobble Head Santa. Every carving project is a learning experience in that while one is carving, one is also learning innovations one can make in carving a second similar project. Thus there is great value in repeating a project subject over and over again to learn from each one. No two will be exactly alike since the creative process is continuously making revisions and subtle changes to enhance the over all appearance. The procedure used for carving a Santa Bobble Head can be duplicated for any other theme as is illustrated in the second bobble head that follows.
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The carving of Santa and Snowman in the middle of a wreath is a Harley Schmitgen design that was carved from one of his rough outs. This photograph was used as our Christmas card in 2009. My sister was so taken by the unique design that she commissioned me to carve two smaller versions of the Harley Schmitgen original. Harley, who is an Emeritus CCA member, is noted for his relief portraits carved out of two inch thick wood that looks like it is a much larger carving in the round. The two carvings that are the subject of this posting were each carved in the round out of a five inches tall by three and a half inches square block of basswood. Traditional gouge carving tools were used in this carving project. Read the rest of this entry »