Archive for August 5th, 2010



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Miniatures

MINIATRUE FIGURESMINIATURE Carvings are normally under two inches tall and for competition purposes must fit within a two inch cube including the base.  The three Miniatures in the photograph at the left begin on the left with I. B. Whittled (two inch tall) in center is Jughead (one and three eighths of inch tall) and Santa head on golf tee (two inches tall).  Each were carved using only the tip end of a knife blade.

The very tip end of any blade that comes to a quick point is the detail blade portion of the entire blade as only a fraction of the blade is doing the carving.  The next series of photographs show several Miniatures and the knife that carved the miniature figure using only the tip end of the blade. Read the rest of this entry »