Archive for July 5th, 2010



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

LONG KNIFE WHITTLE DOODLEA WHITTLE DOODLE is a carving done only with a knife that is in essence “doodling with a knife.” Like doodling with a pencil, doodling with a knife is a free hand and free minded endeavor that does not have an overall plan.  Doodling is what comes as one is doodling.  Even though several Whittle Doodles have been done over the years and some themes are repeated, yet no two are exactly alike.  To carve only with a knife is a challenge in and of itself that brings a special kind of satisfaction when the end result turns out better than imagined.  Each Whittle Doodle, like any carving project, is a new journey that brings its own surprises and serendipity discoveries of imagination. Read the rest of this entry »