Archive for March 20th, 2010



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in General

WHAT IS ITWHAT IS IT? These wooden spirals were created during the carving process.  They were  created as a trail of chips from a V tool carving a groove across the grain of a basswood block.  Much like the action of a curling shavings produced while planing with a carpenter’s plane, these spirals have created their own unique artistic design.



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

SOMBRERO GUYAs a student in a class taught by Bruce Henn, I carved a Sombrero Guy using one of Bruce’s rough outs putting my own interpretation of what was inside the rough out.  Every carving project is a learning experience with challenges and new paths to follow.  That is one advantage of taking a class in that one learns not only from the instructor but also from the camaraderie of fellow students and the carving process.  There was plenty of wood within this rough out for me to turn the head slightly, thin the face and add the bandoleer across the chest of the Sombrero Guy. Read the rest of this entry »